February 27th, 2012

Announcing Collabograte!

I’m happy to announce the open source Collabograte project, an integration platform for collaboration components!


Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/collabograte collabograte@googlegroups.com

Collabograte helps you integrate collaboration components in your IT environment. Currently, it supports the following software packages:

Cyrus IMAP ejabberd INN MediaWiki OpenLDAP Postfix Sympa WordPress

Collabograte provides a reference virtual machine implementation that includes […]

February 2nd, 2012

Polarities, Champions, Dementors and Mentors

[ This article is also published on the World Type Alliance web site. ]

For me, the genius of MBTI is how it reminds us of the co-arising, interdependent nature of all polarities, through four simple examples. With each pair of opposites — extraversion and introversion, intuition and sensing, thinking and feeling, judging and perceiving […]