October 6th, 2015

How Open Source transformed my career

[ This post is also published on opensource.com ]

I was introduced to open source through immersion, when I learned C and Perl in college. Compared to previous programming languages like BASIC and Pascal which I had learned only from textbooks, I learned C and Perl in the context of the Internet. I would ask […]

August 18th, 2014

Evaluating Leadership Advice

This is an excerpt from my book Enlightening Technical Leadership.

Leadership advice comes in a lot of flavors – from the soothing stories of a grandmother, to the salty screed of a hardened skipper, to the bland babbling of a bureaucrat, and many others. But when we digest them, we see how they break down […]

July 25th, 2014


This is an excerpt from my book Enlightening Technical Leadership.

When we want to influence others, it helps to be aware of what is influencing us. When you want to influence someone to do something, or to think or feel a certain way, first ask yourself a simple question: why do you want to influence […]

July 15th, 2014

Performance Feedback

This is an excerpt from my book Enlightening Technical Leadership.

Whenever we get feedback, whether it’s formally at an annual performance review, or informally during the course of our work, we have an excellent opportunity to observe our identifications. What do we feel proud about? What do we get defensive about? Sorting out our triggers […]

June 25th, 2014

Identity Labels

This is an excerpt from my book Enlightening Technical Leadership.

As we participate in open source projects or open learning communities like Wikipedia, Quora, Stack Exchange and others, we frequently encounter people from different countries who work at different companies. It’s not unusual to see people change organizational affiliations while working on the same project, […]

June 12th, 2014

Letting Go of Mental Models

This is an excerpt from my book Enlightening Technical Leadership.

What I particularly like about GIS mapping programs like Google Earth is that it’s just as easy to add a layer and take on a new perspective as it is to uncheck a layer and let go of my current perspective. If I bring up […]

December 11th, 2013

Enlightening Technical Leadership

I’m happy to announce that my first book, Enlightening Technical Leadership, is now available! You can download the ebook for free from my web site, and the paperback is available at amazon.com:


February 7th, 2013

Open Source Presentation at IEEE Delaware Meeting

UPDATE 2/19/2013: Slides from the talk are now included below.

I’m presenting about Open Source at the IEEE Delaware section meeting on February 18th. Here is the abstract:

Open Source software grew out of the practice of freely and openly sharing source code across academia and industry from the early days of computer programming. It […]

November 1st, 2012

Holding the Personality Type Map Lightly

Some lessons that I’ve learned from personality type, as well as thoughts on how we can apply these insights in the world of IT, published in the journal Personality Type in Depth:


Many thanks to Carol Shumate and Mark Hunziker for their insights throughout the editorial process!

August 7th, 2012

Fluidinfo backend store for Annotator

Here’s a first pass at a Fluidinfo backend store for the Annotator project:


More info is available in these posts:

http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/annotator-dev/2012-August/000401.html http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/annotator-dev/2012-August/000402.html http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/annotator-dev/2012-August/000403.html