July 6th, 2011     (No Ratings Yet)
Loading... I recently had the opportunity to contribute to two Hacks on the Management Innovation Exchange (MIX):
Build a Strengths-Based Culture, by Josh Allan Dykstra Open the processes and the “books”, by Susan Resnick West
These are part of the Communities of Passion Hackathon Pilot being led by Chris Grams. I’ve enjoyed collaborating on this effort!
January 20th, 2011     (No Ratings Yet)
Loading... 4/14/2011 UPDATE: Here are some interviews with me and other M-Prize folks: http://www.managementexchange.com/blog/voices-mix-human-capital-m-prize-winners
2/1/2011 UPDATE: My submission has been selected as one of the semifinalists for the HCI Human Capital M-Prize:
I’ve been following the Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) website for a while now, and there are a lot of great ideas that […]